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Quality matters. This commitment makes us a trusted partner for customers around the globe.

End-to-End Support in Metallography

PACE Technologies offers a comprehensive product line and expertise in material testing and analysis. Our experts are here to help you.


Our metallographic equipment is designed to deliver reliable and efficient performance. From sectioning to polishing and beyond, we can help. With user-friendly interfaces and durable construction, our equipment ensures high-quality results without the luxury price tag. Practical and dependable solutions for your metallographic needs.

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Our comprehensive selection of metallographic consumables includes various cutting blades and fluids, grinding papers, polishing pads, diamond abrasives, an even etchants. Our consumables are designed to complement most standard sample preparation machines and even enhance your sample preparation results.

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Technical Service

Our team of experts are here to provide on-site or virtual onboarding to ensure a smooth start with our equipment. Ongoing support includes troubleshooting, training, and updates as needed. We also offer maintenance contracts to keep your lab up and running and minimize downtime. Our primary goal is your peace of mind.

Customer Service


Let us optimize your metallographic processes. Our team can assist in building customized procedures tailored to your specific needs, ensuring maximum efficiency and precision. Whether you're setting up a new lab, refining existing protocols, or seeking advice on best practices, our team can provide the guidance necessary for success.

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Keep PACE for your sample preparation

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